Sunday, March 16, 2014

Zoo Week!!

This week the preschoolers learned about the letter Zz.  We learned that Zz is for Zebra and Zoo!!  We started off learning our letter by turning our letter Zz into a Zebra!!

Throughout the week we learned about different types of animals that live in the zoo and a zoo keeper.  We learned what a zoo keeper does to help the animals.  We pretended to be animals in the zoo and choose our favorite zoo animal.  We matched foods to what the animal eats.  It is an awesome feeling when reading a story they had a zebra in it and they shouted zebra starts with the letter Z!  It was a great feeling! :)
While learning about zoo and the letter Zz the preschoolers also learned about mixing colors.  We first learned about red and yellow.  I froze red and yellow juice to turn into ice cubes.  I showed them the ice cubes and asked them what colors they will turn into when mixed together.  We placed them in our cup of Sprite and watched them through out the morning to see what color they would change.  Some of them changed right away and some took awhile, but they all turned orange!

Coloring Zz is for zoo pictures.. They had to draw their favorite zoo animal in the gates.

We also made some zoo animals in their pens at the zoo.  They got to choose from a:  zebra, monkey, elephant or lion. 

On Wednesday we mixed some more colors.  We mixed blue and red.  Some of them already knew what two colors they make but told them that we are still going to mix them to see if they were right and they were!  We used whipped cream, red and blue jello mix.  They mixed the two jello powders together in their whipped cream.  Some of them added enough blue and got a darker purple while others didn't add enough blue and got a lighter pink.  To eat with our whipped cream they had some cut up apples. 

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