Wednesday, January 24, 2018

We are all unique - MLK Jr. Week

The Kinders spent the week learning about MLK Jr., his dream, how to be a good friend and not a bully and manners.  

On the day we read The Crayon Box that Talked- we started off with an activity with drawing a picture using only one crayon - black.  I had quite a few comments about how the picture is boring and why they couldn't use any other crayons.  Once we drew the picture we came together and read the story.  The story teaches that when you use all different colors - your picture is complete.  

After reading the story - on the other side of the paper we drew the exact same picture that we drew earlier.  This time we used all different colors! 

We started on our crayon craft.  They each got to decorate their name and their crayon. 

Our crayons finished and up! 

We talked about how it was back then between coloreds and whites.  How they couldn't go to the same schools, parks, stores and restaurants to name a few.  We then talked about a man that changed it all because of the dream he had.  
They each had to come up with a dream that they would like to have.  They came up with some great dreams!! 

To finish up our week we talked about bullies and how to use our manners.
Here is an activity that we did: Monster Manners.  We had to identify the monsters that were using their manners and the ones that were not using their manners. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Clouds, Snowmen and Penguins!

We are in our second week of the new year 2018!  They Kinders adjusted awesome after their Christmas break.  The first week back we spent time on getting back to our routine and lots of review!   We did our snowmen unit to get things started. 
Our snowmen craft.  They may look the same but each one has their own personality added to their snowmen.  They are even more cute in person. 

We read a story called Snowmen at Night.  Before reading the story I asked them what they think snowmen do at night.  Most of them said - nothing, but then a few creative ideas started to flow.  On the left side of our snowman we listed what we think they do at night.  After reading our story we listed things that they actually did in our story (listed on the right side).  Some of them thought of the same things that actually happened in our story. 
We then came to conclusion that our story we read was make believe.  Snowmen can't talk, walk or have snowball fights.  At least we don't think they do. :) 

During our free choice time they made a rainbow using pegs!  They were very proud of their creation.  I love seeing their little minds working on how to make this happen. :) 

Our letter of the week was letter Oo.  Oo is for octopus! They each got to cut out their own legs however they wanted.  They just needed to have 8 legs cut out. 

The finished product. 

In Science this week we learned about clouds.  We started off our unit with describing clouds and discussing what we already know about them. 

We made our own pet clouds.  

Our cloud adjective chart. 

Cheerio letter Oo hunt. They had to glue a Cheerio on all the Oo's they could find.  Of course their pile was a lot bigger that what we would actually need - but you can't have Cheerio's and not have any to snack on throughout the morning. :) 

Our penguin craft that went with our reading stories this week. 

One of our Science projects - turning cotton balls into Cirrus clouds. We then drew gray stratus clouds near the ground. 

A Science experiment we did using cotton balls and water.  We talked about how the clouds collect water and when they get to full it either rains or snows.  We dipped our cotton ball in to the water a few times and once out cotton ball got to full - they started to drip out water!  

Our penguins up on one of our doors. 

This week in Science we also made cloud dough out of corn starch and conditioner.  It was quite messy but our room smelt amazing from the conditioner.