Monday, April 4, 2016

March Madness!!!

Wow! Where did the time slip to this time!  I didn't get a single post in at all in March.  The title pretty much sums it up "March Madness!"  March Madness is not only for basketball but for Kindergarten!

We have had a very busy month of March.  Here are some activities that we did during the March Madness!

In Science we started to learn about clouds.  Here is the cloud chart that had adjectives about clouds in the big white one and the names of the clouds we learned/talked about on the side. 

Another cloud anchor chart that we did to help us know more about each cloud. 

March was also Dental Health month.  We did a week unit about brushing our teeth and keeping them healthy.  Here is one of my favorite activities/lesson to do with that shows them what happens to our teeth when we don't brush them and when we do.

I boiled some eggs and soaked them in brown pop for 3 days and 3 nights. They turned brown of course.  Those eggs showed the Kindergartners what happens when we don't brush our teeth. 


They each got an egg, a toothbrush and some toothpaste and went to work.  They started to brush their 'teeth.'   After some time brushing they started to come clean! 


One of our sight words.  One of our reading stories for the month was Goldilocks and the Three Bears.   During this week one of our sigh words was: said.   They had to think of something that they said when they woke up and saw three bears at the bed just like Goldilocks.  

One our our projects for Science was making clouds.  We read a story called: Little Cloud by Eric Carle.  Little Cloud turned into a lot of different things during the story.  At the end Little Cloud joined his other cloud friends and they turned into a big storm cloud! They each had to think of something else Little Cloud could turn into.  They painted their cloud and then wrote a sentence about what their cloud turned into. 

They all turned out very neat!

Sorry that some of the writing is hard to see.  This cloud was turned into a rocket ship. 

This cloud turned into an electric eel. 

This cloud turned into a horse. 

On St. Patrick's Day we had a very naughty visitor who kept visiting us through out the day.  He was pretty busy in the morning before we came to school!! Our room was a mess!

He even moved all of them to RED!  I would move them up and he would keep moving them back down!  

We came back from lunch and we found this note from that naughty little leprechaun (who is not a very good speller).  

Here are some of the clovers that were hidden around the room. 

Our hallway bulletin board. 

Our leprechaun pots. 

After getting a visit from that naughty Lucky.  We thought of ways that we could catch him!  They came up with some very creative ways!