I cannot believe that the end of the year is here! Where did the time go? May has been a very busy month for the Kindergartners. We did a farm theme in our reading. They each got to choose an animal that was on the farm and make the craft that went with it.
We learned more about symbols and why we have them. We learned about four symbols for our country: the Eagle, flag, Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty. We came up with our symbol for our Kindergarten class. I started the symbol with the green curvy line. They each got a chance go add onto our drawing to make this our very own symbol that stands for our class.
The end result.
We had some visitors that came from the Lewis and Clack center to talk to use about the importance of trees. They read a story to them about how trees change and then did an activity to decide if the item came from a tree or not. Afterwards they each got a tree to take home to plant.
Our elementary field trip was to the Shrine Circus in Sioux City. They had a blast even though the weather was very windy, cold and rainy. Here they are before the start of the circus.
Our chicks have hatched. We had 13 hatch out of our 19 winners.
Our last day of school pictures. I cannot believe how much they have changed and grown from the beginning of the year to now.