Monday, October 21, 2013

Community Helpers and Fire Saftey week!

I decided to combine our last few weeks into one post.  The preschoolers have been on a roll and super busy so far this year.  We did our unit about community helpers before fire safety week.  During our community helpers, we focused on certain community helpers such as: police men, trash men, doctors/nurses, teachers and mail carriers. 

We started off the week by learning about doctors.  They got to play dress up, by putting on doctor masks, gloves and then they got to bandage up their partner. 

Yes, even I had to get bandaged up!

The color of the week was yellow.

Our letter of the week was letter Bb.  This craft fit perfectly with our letter!  We had to make BooBoo's onto our Brown Bears.  We then had to bandage them up with Band aides!  They drew on red booboos.  They then got to be doctors and bandage them up with some band aids!


The preschoolers during center time.

The week after learning  about our community helpers, we did our fire safety week.  We focused more on learning about our fire fighters, how to stay safe during a fire and how to prevent them from happening.  We learned to stop, drop and roll and practiced it every day at preschool.  We also learned what we should and not play with or touch. 
The letter of the week was the letter Ff.  The color was yellow.  We made Fiery F's.  We added red and yellow paint to our Ff's and spread the paint around with a cotton ball to make them look like flames. 

We made a helping hands poster of our community helper who works in our school, Mrs. Donna Davey, who is an EMT for our town.  We also made a helping hands poster for our firemen  and EMTs in our town.


Monday, October 7, 2013


This week the preschoolers celebrated Johnny Appleseed day by learning about Apples!!  We learned about who Johnny Appleseed is and what he did for us - bringing us apples!
They taste tested apples and got to graph and color which one they liked the best.  We incorporated apples into our letters and counting!  The letter of the week was letter Aa, number was 2, shape: triangle and color was red.

Here are some pictures of the week!